Copying words and verbalization skills
Month 4 · Activity 12 · Character Traits
- Using magnetic letters on a cookie sheet or refrigerator write "I Love You"
- Let a child copy with magnetic letters underneath the words forming "I Love You"
- Chat about what the word “love” means in your family
- Write the words "I Love You" on paper and let the child form the letters underneath with a pencil if magnetic letters are not available
Only have the 8 letters for the words "I Love You" available for child to choose from when placing below the words already placed on the magnetic sheet.
When a child is choosing the letters to place below "I Love You" include all of the letters in the alphabet for him to select the 8 letters needed. When the child has selected and placed the correct letters for "I Love You" let them add a name at the end. I Love You Mom OR I Love You Dad OR I Love You Quinn.
Learn to say I Love You in sign language
Can you share the best thing about being a part of this family?
What are some ways you can show you love someone?
- magnetic alphabet letters or paper and pencil
- magnetic cookie sheet/refrigerator door
Motor Skills
Social Skills
Problem Solving Skills