Learning important phone numbers with shaving cream
Month 7 · Activity 11 · Senses
- Place shaving cream on a cookie sheet
- Write with a finger the telephone number for a child to learn in the shaving cream
- Pick the most important phone for a child to learn - home phone, a parent's cell phone, emergency 911, etc.
- Practice writing phone numbers with the child in the shaving cream. Smooth shaving cream and repeat writing the phone number
- Can add purple washable paint to the shaving cream if you want
Instead of writing a full phone number at one time in the shaving cream, write one numeral at a time and let the child copy that numeral with his finger in the shaving cream. Say each number as it is written. Repeat for all the numerals in the phone number.
Encourage the child to memorize the phone number by writing the number - one numeral at a time - in the shaving cream. See if they can remember the first 3 numbers, then 4 numbers, then 5 numbers, etc.
If you were alone and wanted someone to be with you, who would you like that person to be and why?
Why is it important to know an emergency number?
- shaving cream
- cookie sheet
- washable purple paint (optional)
Math & Science Skills
Motor Skills
Social Skills
Problem Solving Skills