
Helping adults prepare children for kindergarten and life.


Read "Museum ABC" and  play hide and seek with a whistle

Month 8 · Activity 11 ·   Senses  


  • Read the book “Museum ABC” by Metropolitan Museum of Art or Read/Listen here 
  • Chat about how it is important to hear what is being read from books so you can learn
  • Using a whistle, you are going to play hide and seek!
  • Ask the child to close eyes (put the child in closet, blindfold, etc.) while you hide with the whistle
  • The person hiding brings the whistle, and once hidden starts blowing the whistle 
  • The child opens eyes when the whistle is heard
  • The child follows the sound of the whistle to discover your hiding place
  • Trade places with the child letting them blow the whistle and you find them

*Be creative about alternatives if you don't have a whistle. Try a tambourine, clapping hands, pan with a spoon, etc..


Using the book "Museum ABC" or Read/Listen book here, sing the alphabet song very slowly while pointing to each of the alphabet letters in the book.


All of the pictures in the book are displayed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Explain that a museum is a place for people to look at pictures and other items that are put on display. Each letter of the alphabet has four pictures in the book that were painted by a different artist. If using the Read/Listen book, pause the video to look at the pictures.  Ask the child if there is a favorite picture for each letter of the alphabet that they like among the four pictures. 

Read the book "Matthew's Dream" by Leo Lionni which is a story about Matthew visiting a museum or Read/Listen here


Who is your favorite storybook character and why?

Would you rather be an adult your whole life or a kid your whole life and why?


  • Museum ABC” by Metropolitan Museum of Art or Read/Listen here
  • whistle/kazoo or something else creative like clapping hands, tambourine, humming, etc.
  • Language Skills
  • Math & Science Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills