Learning to listen activity using song "Jump Up (It’s A Good Day)" emphasizing joy
Month 2 · Activity 10 · Senses
- Play song "Jump Up (It’s A Good Day)" by Brady Rymer or watch video here. Listen carefully and follow the actions particularly when ‘Jump Up’ is sung
- Play this listening game
- Have the child turn his back to you
- Clap one time - ask the child how many claps
- Snap fingers two times - ask how many
- Stamp foot two times - ask how many
- Remember we are working with the numbers 1 or 2
When child has back turned to you to listen for claps, stamps, and snaps - have child actually copy the sound by clapping, stamping, or snapping and saying how many times
Add many combinations of claps, stomps, and snaps for a child to repeat. For example - Clap two times, snap fingers one time, stamp foot one time, etc. (four activities) then try five activities - stamp foot two times, clap three times and so on
Can you tell me about the most beautiful place you have ever visited?
What is the most beautiful sound you have ever heard?
- Song "Jump Up (It's A Good Day)" by Brady Rymer album Brady Rymer and the Little Band that Could or watch video here
Activity Resources
Math & Science Skills
Motor Skills
Problem Solving Skills
On the Go Activity