Touching and describing a variety of objects
Month 1 · Activity 10 · Senses
- Developing a sense of touch aids a child in learning
- Blindfold a child and place various materials in their hands one at a time to feel...a piece of paper, a dab of pudding, an egg, an apple, a crayon, a pencil, carrot, feather, etc.
- Let the child describe what they feel and say what they think they are holding in their hand.
- Encourage a child to use a variety of words to describe what they are touching
Allow the child to hold the item without a blindfold and guide them in touching, feeling, and using descriptive words.
Encourage more descriptive words to use - coarse, abrasive, fluffy, fuzzy, gritty, moist, sharp, etc.
What is another part of your body you can use to touch an item?
If you can't see or touch an item, how could you figure out the name of the item?
- blindfold/scarf
- variety of objects
- Language Skills
- Problem Solving Skills