
Who We Are

Preparing Your Child for Lifelong Success Starts Before School

If Not You, Who? is a free kindergarten readiness website that shares fun, simple and hands-on activities to do with children ages 3-6 to help prepare them for kindergarten and life. Parents, day-care providers, preschool teachers, nannies and grandparents are just and few people for whom this website has been developed.

Being prepared for kindergarten reduces kids likelihood of teen pregnancy, incarceration and poverty by 30%. So ensuring your child or classroom is prepared to learn when they enter kindergarten is giving them the best chance at life-long success.

During their time as teachers, the websites creators Debi, Elissa and Carly all separately heard the same question from parents. “What can I do at home with my child to help them grow and succeed in school?” The three of them put their heads together and created If Not You, Who? as the answer to that question.

If Not You Who, is designed to prepare your child for kindergarten by using hands-on activities, books and music. The goal is to make developing the skills needed to enter kindergarten, fun and challenging for the child and simple and affordable for the adult.

The website is unique as it shares over 300 activities that focus on developing the five basic skills through 13 different types of activities that can be presented to all preschoolers by any adult. What makes the website even more unique is that all the activities use simple household items, and only take 5-15 minutes to complete. So if you only have a short window of time these are perfect! Or if you’re looking for an afternoon of fun, pick 5 or 6 activities or the playgroup experience.

We have also made the website seamless for the adults by providing photos and videos to explain the activities. More support throughout the website comes in the form of a monthly podcast called Productive Play  where we discuss a specific activity on the website, such as indoor balloon batting or a topic such as how important music is to the developing brain. We share blogs that touch on a wide range of child related subjects such as potty training, sibling rivalry and weapon play. Multiple kids? No problem we offer tips on how to make each activity more or less difficult based on a child skill level. The website is available in over 50 languages and allows parents to “check off” activities once they are completed.

With the help of the very talented If Not You, Who? Advisory Board, we have created a truly unique and powerful website that fills one of the voids we have in early education. Empowering parents to get involved in their child’s education by giving them specific activities to do at home with them or even activities to enhance what their child is learning in the classroom. Preparing your child for school and life is truly a group effort, teachers, day care providers, parents, siblings and other adults in your child life. If Not You, Who is a simple, fun and free way to give everyone in your child’s life ideas. No matter if you choose to use the website at home, in your classroom or both, your child will have a higher chance at beginning school at grade level, leading to a better future. Because, If Not You, Who?
